

This is my scientific research in university that deeps in the motorbike parking problem in Vietnam to create a solution for that issue.


User Research, UX & UI Design, Prototyping

Tools used

Sketch (for design), Flinto (for prototype), After Effects (for animation), Keynote (for presentation)

⁉️ Problem

Today, the rising number of motorbikes in Vietnam leads to various issues. One of them is current motorbikes parking systems, which have many problems such as vulnerable parking cards, difficulty to find a park, insecurity and only-cash payment. I wonder why dont we use smartphones, which are popular devices in Vietnam to solve these problems. This app is my scientific thesis project in school to make a low-cost, card-free, secure and convenient parking system.


Vulnerable parking cards


Difficulty to find a park


Insecurity and inconvinient payment

User Research

We had a survey to 132 people who was students and office workers in Ho Chi Minh City about how often they use mobile phones, what operating systems they have, what problems they face when using our current parking systems, do they have a vehicle registration certificate,…

From the insights from that survey, we concluded a general persona for this app:

Lanh - Officer


28 years old


Ho Chi Minh City

Persona 1


Lanh is a staff in an agency. She usually has her motorbike parked in small parking lot. She had some bad experiences of losing her parking cards in there.


  • Get rid of losing parking cards.
  • Checkout using e-wallets instead of cash.
  • Easier to seek for parking lots.
  • More secure way for parking

Hoang - Parking Lot Owner


36 years old


Ho Chi Minh City

Persona 2


Hoang is a parking lot owner that wants to find an affordable but secure parking system to replace the old paper one.


  • Introduce his parking lot to customers.
  • Have a convenient payment method instead of cash.
  • Don't spend too much money on big parking system.

🧠 Solving Problem

Having been thinking deeply, I had a concept for this new system. There are 2 apps for this system: one for parking user and one for parking owner, just like Grab or Uber. QR Code is the chosen method to share secured data between them (like Momo wallet). The system will use Google Maps to locate and seek for available and closest parks. The payment system using credit cards and e-wallets is also provided.

The concept explained video

App structures

App Structure

User Interface

End-user App

  • Onboarding
  • Registration Flow using Identification Card (with the technique of OCR)
  • Add vehicle using registration certificate (with the technique of OCR)
  • Check-in & check-out flow
  • Account information & Parking history & Vehicles management (with vehicle-transfer flow)

Parking lot owner App

  • Registration Flow
  • Motorbike check-in & check-out using QR Code Scanner
  • Parking history & revenue report
  • Parking lot information, price and working schedule settings
  • Staff management

Backup method

For the case that there is an user having not installed the app or forgotten to bring phones, the backup method is an device that can store and display QR Code. In this way, park owner has one more step of capturing vehicle's license plate for comparing when the user checks out.



The solution could achieve the goals of making it low-cost, card-free, secure and convenient system. However, it still has some issues to set up widely due to laws, people awareness and privacy. Therefore, when coming to real life, it could be set up at some companies and schools at the first stage before widening.